The Demon Spider Monkey sitting on the shoulder

hey all hope everyone has been good.

So, past few months have been NUTS. I'm talkin' proper squirly joe...
I kind of sunk into this weird space, like mixed feelings all at once. I don't even know how to explain it... anger, sadness, happiness... everything all at once... have any of you ever felt like that? 

They just smashed my doors down SUPRISE FEELINGS ARE HERE!! I was going pretty well then boom S.O.S MAYDAY, MAYDAY WOMAN DOWN ALL THE FEELS HAVE INVADED SEND BACKUP.

But my usual coping mechanisms came to the rescue, memes, binging on tv series and music..

HOW good is it to just kick back with some music and chill.... I sat under the stars on the roof of the shipping container/work shop for a few nights these past couple weeks and MY HECK, it does some good for the soul but all I was missing was someone to cuddle 😓

If all progresses in the way I HOPE they will progress, that won't be an issue for very long 💏
I met this incredible person... I won't say too much in the hopes I don't jynx it but man alive... if this all works out the way I want, waiting for this love was WELL worth all the crap i've been put through. I'd follow you any damn where you wanted to go💓💓

ehem, I mean obviously it's not without its challenge, adjustments and compromise but still.... I'm just praying I don't get shafted again 😅😕😖💔😥

Anyway, lately i've been trying to organise my space in my room so I decided to build a book shelf ..... 😂😏 I know those of you that know me may be ass up laughing right about now 😂💬 but it's actually going pretty well.... if i could remember where I put the screwdriver 😆😆😅😅 I'm trying to get in some shelves in the workshop for my materials and paints and stuff. 

SPEAKING OF. uni has been QUITE  the experience... MAN ALIVE, earthquake alert! what the heck... that was long! apparently indonesia something starting with a B sea had a 7.0 Earthquake...  felt it all the way here. everyone is trippin 😲😲 

haha off topic but mid type "I FEEL THE EARTH MOVE, UNDER MA FEET"  😂😂 
HAHA OKAY OKAY serious faces now... ehem UNI. I have had a ball exploring all the avenues! 
failed my first ever class :| wasn't pleased about that at all. but i'm just gonna dust off and hopefully never have to do that class again 💁💀 

I've already had help to pick some classes for next semester :D

EXCITING stuff. work is going okay but I am a serious fluff of stress ball mess... Main teacher keeps taking off sick and the poor kidlets have been messed around something horrid :/ i'm their only constant.... YES I can see the faces you're makiing POOR KIDS 😂😂 they are survivng, relax 😅😅😅

I am absolutely knackered though. this week is THE LAST WEEK 😘😘 I am HECKING excited. 
I'm trying to save my pennies to take my ass on vacation. BECAUSE IT IS WELL DESERVED. i'm thinking a brand new country. or new city... I am still deciding. :3  Who knows 💁💁

I think thats about all thats been going on that I feel like talking about 😆 

you superstars keep it real, I'll probably see you soon 😅😅😅😅

the reformed, but forever weird and nerdy
Miss Hermit 💚

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