"What do you wanna be when you grow up?"

It's been a while, I hope everyone has been good...

You know when you're growing up and people ask you what you wanna be, and you say things like "Spaceman" "cowboy" "president of the universe" and kids always just said, whatever inspired them... as adults you think, they're just kids.. and as we grow up the answers always change... to something more "realistic" something that would make someone else proud... maybe there are a few people who toss up their hands and tell the rest of the world where to stick it and chase their dreams....

but what happens when you achieve that dream? what's next? nobody ever prepares you for what happens when you "finally arrive" we're all kind of just stumbling around doing or best to find another dream to chase. 

So many voices, so many mixed messages that the voice inside us is drowned out and some, not all get lost in the crowd... 

Then we see people like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela and Rosa Parks and Martin L King... changing the world regardless of the voices trying to drown us... 

Sometimes we tell ourselves that being disrespected is better than being alone, but we shouldn't fear being alone... because there is power in rediscovering your own voice... we forget that when we are so busy trying to be what everyone else wants us to be, we forget that we are that little child who wanted to be the president of the universe... 

it's not all about getting to the end of a goal, kicking up your feet and that's it, we are more than capable of continually touching the stars, you don't have to be what everyone wants you to be, you don't have to stay in a job that you hate forever, that's the good thing about life, sometimes you have to take a little risk, push aside the fear of being laughed at... push aside the tsunami of outside voices crushing you down and just reach out... maybe you won't know what's on the other side... maybe you'll fall on your ass, but if you had all the answers if you already knew what was going to happen how would that give you the opportunity to grow spiritually, mentally and emotionally? it would take away your choice, your moment to say NO to that fear to those voices and know that it was your choice, that it wasn't all already given to you on a silver platter. 

I'm not perfect, I don't have all the answers but... I do have the experience... my experience.

I never knew what I wanted to be because nothing that I did was ever good enough... that's how I felt anyway...

as i've said before, people are my biggest weakness, so I know a thing or two about a tsunami of voices... but as time goes, I learn more and more... your voice is unique, your heart is yours, your mind is individual because they are your essence, and it's okay to follow your essence...

guided by your inner moral compass, surround yourself with the people that will lift, rather than crush.. 

Listen to the voice within you... so that you can follow your dreams and create your own happiness, keep following your voice, keep creating laughter, keep creating dreams, because there is no destination end, happiness isn't found,  dreams don't have to end at just one. Life is full of possibilities so find yours :) 

There's more but I'll polish up later :) 

for now, thats all from me <3

the reformed but forever weird and nerdy,
Miss Hermit
