what is uppppp?!?! hope everyone is doing well!
Lately, I've been feeling pretty good! Why? well... I'm on course to my goals! I had my university acceptance interview and I scored a place on the graphics design course it was pretty exhilarating to be frankly honest ππ I can't believe it's real... Like, I know that University is going to be a lot of hard work but it's pretty rewarding ❤❤❤π
π I'm waiting for my schedule and then the lecturer and I will discuss how to best fit this around my work schedule. *EEEEEPPPPP* OH! speaking of work.....
I LOVE my job working at the school, children will never cease to amaze me π It honestly exhausts you mind and body, but seeing them reach some milestones or accomplish even smash past their goals just makes my heart feel like it' going to explode!!!!
So yeah, Feeling pretty good in those departments of my life...
Work ✓
Study ✓
So, if you were following my last posts, you would've seen the ordeal.... I want to make some thing's very, very clear...
#1 I love the gospel
#2 I deal with anxiety and depression on the daily....
Life happens, right now, I've chosen to focus on how to help myself cope better...
I found this app called YOUPER with a suggestion by a lady in one of the groups I'm in on my FITBIT app, which has actually been amazingly helpful... I've started logging my sleeps tracking my steps heart rate all those bits and pieces and on YOUPER it's a mood tracker... which has a multilayer of options to help track moods, what is behind those moods which in turn helps figure out what might be a trigger... I've been able to figure out so many of my triggers just by documenting events. I even set up reminders so I don't forget to log how my day has gone, be it GOOD or BAD...
Also the fit bit has been beneficial in my life purely because I feel more accountable for my health and fitness being able to see the work outs I do and my walking tracks (It helps that I also really love playing PokΓ©mon go and will head out just to get some raids or pokestops) It keeps track of my heartrate and it has a detailed log of my sleeps (I'm thinking about getting the sleeper accessory so I don't have to sleep with the watch on)
But anyway, things are going pretty good, I'm on the path!! my time is almost up I better get going (I'm At the library hahaha!)
The reformed but forever weird and nerdy,
Miss Hermit
Really amazing. I love every bit of it . Keep inspiring us .