The Colours of the Rainbow

HEYYYOOOOOO, what's up fam!? hope you're all having a splendiferous day!  (yes I make up my own words 👐 deal with it 😅😅)

Sooooo, just a random post while I'm waiting for breakfast service to start!

Have you ever met people and you are just like "Man, where have you been all my life?" they just make things a little better... I've made plenty of friends like that... Recently that happened to me when I "re-met" Elder McDonald, and met Elder Mabey... these dudes are good people... they're the kind of people that like... challenge everything... but at the same time balance it out and cause those massive "whoa man, I really needed that" moments... 

Elder McDonald where do I even start? 😆😆 he's Cheeky, a Prankster, Fluid, Deep, Funny, Smart, Hard Working, blindsidingly Kind... (I know its not a word but hopefully you get what I mean) he's the spontaneity everybody needs in their life... 
Elder Mabey haha this dude Imagine the BFG, but really handsome, he's Clumsy, Big Hearted, Dorky, Funny, Smart, Hard Working and very very kind. he's a big softie, kind of like a Hug from Mum. 

Over all really great people, even better friends. I'm #blessed to know them! 

Ehem, Anywaaaayyyy to the point... Elder McDonald introduced me to what's called the colour personality test it was created by a man called Dr. Taylor Hartman, (I think he's a member of the LDS church)
This is similar to the Briggs and Myers personality test... not as multilayered but definitely compliments Briggs and Myers...

I mean these tests are sometimes a bit sketchy because you grow and change as a person, so sometimes your answers will change... but with the Colour personality Tests is a little more definitive and directed at who you are at your Core, which doesn't usually change... 

What amazed me more than the test, is that he already picked my colours for me... I didn't think I was that transparent a person.... but apparently I was wrong 😆😆😆

If you want to do it, you have to actually be honest with yourself, and it's not what other people see about you, it's what you see and know in yourself, but its actually interesting to do this with someone else who knows you to see what their perspective of you is, it's pretty cool to see, if you're not too sensitive and okay with brutal honesty...

It's helped me figure out the root cause of some of my anxiety triggers.. 

for instance, when I feel strongly about something I lock on like a "Sainted Pit bull" which is pretty dang accurate. 

Which is why I think I'm so skeptical about making connections with people. Many people, are fluid, they get bored of people easily, they like to change everything up and constantly be on the Go... 

but I admit I struggle a fair bit with that, I don't deal with unexpected change very well... I've gotten better over the years

Honestly, I think one thing i'll always struggle with is that feeling of not knowing what's going and what's coming around the corner... I like structure, and knowing how things are going to play out, more so I enjoy knowing where I stand with people... Getting bored of someone doesn't happen for me... the need for spontaneity and change is not something I'll ever struggle with Intensely. 

which was pretty accurately described on my all the "personality tests" that I've done...

So, if you're interested this is the Briggs and Myers Personality test.

The love Language Test

Unfortunately I only have the PDF version of the Personality Colours test. you can do it online but the full test costs money (one time payment for lifetime access) So, I found the PDF version and all the descriptions. 

if you're keen to check it out, just let me know and I can email you the relevant documents! 

I'm going to post the link here anyway just in case you do want to pay for the test :) (Dr. Taylor Hartman was the creator of this colour personality test, don't worry it's not some rando trying to get promotion 😅😅😅

I am always AMAZED by the human brain, it's complexities and mysteries. It's fascinating to me when we think about people and all their intricacies and how amazing the human body is, all the resources we have on this world and how perfect they are for us, sure we had to Discover them... but doesn't the fact we have these incredible things make you think about God? 

Surely such incredible resources and things that we need didn't just explode into existence... Everything is precisely what it needs to be to sustain us. I mean I don't know about you but... It doesn't seem like that could just 'Happen' ... 💁💁 

There was a recent statement 

"If gravity were slightly more powerful (say 5%), the universe would collapse into a ball.

Also, if it were slightly less powerful the universe would fly apart and there would be no stars or planets..
Gravity is precisely as strong as it needs to be
And if the ratio of the electromagnetic force to the strong force wasn't 1% life wouldn't exist... What are the odds that would happen all by itself?
The precision of the universe atleast makes it logical to conclude that there's a creator."

While I know all about gravity and it's intricacies. 
someone was like "Are you sure about the gravity part"  
"See, if you have more (in your words gravity) we as humans would have evolved to be accustomed to that. Also, if you change one uou have yo change the other as everything is made out of the same stuff. Atoms and molecules aren't different on earth and in space. So the sun would have more of this gravity you speak of, but so would the earth. Therefore, orbits would not change and neither would the climate."

Everything adjusts as necessary to balance out. Like, Literally think about it... all that "Balance of life stuff" everything equals out. The "PERFECT" equation none of us are yet to entirely figure the mystery of it... but how can something so Intricate just Happen? 

Hmm. it's a lot to consider. Much to think about. Where do you stand? 

I think I'm going to leave it here for today!

as usual my friends!

much love!
the reformed but forever weird and nerdy.

Miss Hermit
