Love and Other things...

Well Hey there fam! 

There's been something bugging me lately, and its a super controversial topic of conversation especially for someone who lives the gospel. It's not bad or vulgar or anything like that, more just open and honest about a subject that isn't really talked about... 

Relationships and Intimacy....
I feel at such a loss with my generation, almost everything has to be quick easy and convenient, not too much hard work or effort just things to make life "Easier" or if something is too hard, flail up the arms sit down or have a tantrum and then give up.  

Don't get me wrong I don't mean the entirety of our generation is like this otherwise there would be no progression in our patch of green, I know there are a few who understand the true meaning of LONG TERM RELATIONSHIPS. HARD WORK/ THE WORKING CLASS. WORKING FOR WHAT YOU WANT NOT BEING GIVEN EVERYTHING ON A SILVER PLATTER. DETERMINATION. LOYALTY. PROGRESSION AND EFFORT. 

But majority I've encountered, they don't know what it means to stick through the rough patches, to fix what's ~for lack of a better word~ "broken" because everything these days is "Disposable" nobody wants to make the effort to fix what they have because "new ones/replacements/upgrades" are so readily available and I guess that "disposableness" has transferred onto relationships. 

As soon as something isn't picture perfect, one person, the other or both will run in the opposite direction, because staying to figure out what happened is just too much effort, they'd rather run and hide in their comfort zones and forever run from the changes that might be just what they need, I mean... relationships aren't one size fits all, the reality of it is, oft times... relationships will take work and effort and sacrifice and probably a little heart break to boot... and even I get sometimes it's entirely possible to love someone who is bad/wrong for you and what you want in life.

Not even God can save us from pain in its entirety. No matter how much we want it... Sometimes pain is in necessary for growth.  

But what happened to those days when it was normal to wait for marriage before having sex?

What happened to time, spent courting? what happened to asking a girls father for permission to marry his daughter? 

Now, don't let the idea get into your head that I'm crazy and delusional and romanticizing relationships, running around with rose coloured glasses on... nothing will ever be prefect or how we expect it not in this life anyway, but I don't think valuing long term commitment or the value and sanctity of marriage means I'm wearing rose coloured lenses. 

What is so WRONG with waiting until marriage before being intimate in a sexual way with someone? Why do people these days and in this generation have this idea that marriage is some kind of joke that sex is just about pleasure? or did you forget that sex is essentially the means to create life? So tell me again about "Surprise" pregnancy? because i'm pretty sure you chose to be intimate which is THE natural method to create new life... if you don't want the possibility of having children simply don't preform the act that was naturally designed to do exactly that...
I get that doing it releases OXYTOCIN and ENDORPHINS but perhaps, think about this, "Why do you sleep at night? this is a seemingly simple question to which there are an innumerable amount of articles explaining the function sleep plays for us. Many seemingly simple questions on closer inspection are not at all easy to answer, one of these (perhaps the most interesting) Why do Humans have sex? Why do humans want sex? The answer is based on the known reproductive function of intercourse. "We want it because our continued existence as a species depends on it because Children come of it. 

You can hate on me if you want but that's just my opinion and view point... 

Do people really think that there's MAGICALLY going to be someone who fits your bill/check list perfectly? No. Sometimes things need to be talked about and discussed and worked on, because someone could have the perfect personality FOR YOU, could be Beautiful/Handsome IN YOUR EYES, but suddenly if there's no "sexual connection" that person isn't worth perusing? people want to "try" before they buy then they get so content because they have the whole COW AND MILK that it just stays in this non progressive state.

But doesn't anyone ever think that the experience is an expression of love and "creation" not just potential life but of a bond that would last an eternity?? these days "Relationships" are only fueled by lust and desire, nothing ever has an eternal perspective anymore for some people.

I know from my point of view because I haven't always lived the gospel, (I found it later in life well after my "Teenage Years") the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Especially these days with things becoming readily available quick and easy 

For any parents out there, do remember the first time you held your baby in your arms? tiny hands tiny feet, tiny little light in the world, One you'd protect with your life, one you try to shield from as much pain as you can, one that becomes the center of your life... you know the feeling... 

that baby is the furthest thing from disposable to you in the world right? 

Now I know these examples don't apply to every single situation, I'm generalizing because there are far to many specifications of different situations to cover them all, as long as you have an understanding of what I'm trying to convey however in-eloquent my portrayal may be. I'm only one person I can't say it in a way that "protects" all the delicate flowers out there reading this.   

To me Marriage isn't "Just a Piece of Paper" (thats just the legalities of Marriage) 

I've spent hours researching the history and origins of what marriage actually is, not just the legalities, the "institution of marriage" dates father back than research has discovered but I've seen studies and articles about marriage customs from the 1200 - 1300's... 

So I could sit here and tell you what I've found... but I'm not going to do that, (if you're interested send me an email or a "lets talk" request on here and i'll be happy to have a Chat) Instead... I'm going to tell you my (scary) truth about marriage.

Marriage is Eternal to me, its not just some piece of paper, Its symbolism, it's commitment, it's spending eternity with your best friend, it's support, it's the best and the worst times, it's never having to do life alone again, It means the long haul... it's falling asleep with the telle on. it's fighting over who's turn it is to do the dishes, or fold the laundry, or who's turn it is to read the kids a bed time story, it's change and adapting... 

It all comes down to (like basically everything in life) CHOICES. 

It's easy to fall in love, only takes a second sometimes, but staying in love? REAL LOVE? it's definitely not a walk in the park... 

Anything less? wasn't real love. Not to me. it's just words on a paper, words in a text, empty words without action, without commitment, without good AND bad. and that takes two, I've never believed in the 50 - 50 crap. ITS 100 - 100. 

Maybe, I'm the last of my kind that really believes in Eternity, the sanctity of marriage and its origins, waiting to share that special part of you with someone you know isn't going to run at the first sign of a storm, Who'd walk on water just to be with you, just maybe.

I know there's a Mr/Ms Right for you out there for everybody, but how will you ever really know if you put your hand down in the first round?? Stick around for a while and you never know. Miracles happen

Funny thing about life, its pretty sneaky... but somehow it manages to get it's act together..

So, to my MR right for me, I know you're out there somewhere. Knowing my luck you're stuck under a rock somewhere... Or on the other side of the world.... 

But I'm here, ready for Eternity to make you laugh and love you through it all.  So I'll be waiting, where ever you are... whenever you're ready.

Love, forever your weirdo Aussie

If you're interested - Just a couple articles The History of Marriage
The History of Eve

My Favorite Love Songs <3
The Script - The Man Who Can't Be Moved
Rascal Flatts - Bless the Broken Road
Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
