
Just a head's up, this post contains God talk ;) - you've been warned, xo

Sooooo..... I've been thinking ๐Ÿค” a lot about love ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›❤️๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’œlately, what it means, what shapes and forms it comes in, what it means in different cultures, societies, social groups to all the different people... 

Then I got more to thinking about the saviors love, how would it feel to love someone so much, that you would give your own life for them, that you would do anything take all their pains and share the load so that they don't have to walk their paths alone...

Would I ever be able to love someone so much I'd give my very life to preserve theirs? One simple thought came into my mind -PARENTS- obviously every parent shows their "affections" differently. Maybe it's by nagging you to brush your teeth, have showers and clean your room, or reminding you to eat healthy or drink water, Maybe they love you by trying to do everything for you so that your life is easier.... 

Either way its ALL some form of love... I think about how parents love their kids, all that worrying, all that trying to show them to the path of having a good life by giving you the tools, they don't even have to be blood related to feel that care or concern for you to try and teach you things...
The things they wish they could do, stop them from falling off their bike so they don't get boo boo's on their knees, stop them from falling from the trees and breaking their arm, or fight off any sickness that ails their little souls, when they grow, protecting them if that special someone breaks their heart. 

They wish they could hug us so tight that the pieces just stick back together, they wish they could fend off every evil doing heart breaking nastiness that makes our souls sick, just take all the bad, wrap us in warm blankets plop us in front of a warm fire on a cold evening with a hot chocolate and a belly full of food so that nothing bad will ever happen to us ever again, Protecting their little miracles.... 

But sadly, even God can't protect us from the consequences that come from our decisions... He did however, make us a big giant safety net, so that if we do fall, somebody is there to pick us up dust us off and pop us on our feet... Our Brother, Our Savior.

The Savior, Loved ALL of us so much, he wanted to be able to bare that heavy load of life with us Good AND Bad, to look at each and every single one of us, each individual with full understanding of every single tear, every single pain, every single joy, every single heartbreak, heartache, every single let down, disappointment, every single triumph, every single smile, every single butterfly in your tummy, everything we ever feel, he has felt and born with us, even before we got there, all the possibilities and consequence as the result of every choice we make, he has felt them so that we never have to walk alone.

It brings me a sense of comfort that something pushes me forward, knowing that no matter how bad the storms may be that come, Loss, Grief, Abandonment, Trial, Pain, Confusion, Heartache... That he's carrying us when we don't have the strength to walk anymore... or walking right next to us. Knowing that we will never have to be alone.

Our heavenly Father loves us so much, he provided us with all the tools we need to find out way through the storms, the Father of our souls, left us with everything we need, just like our parents do when they prepare us to live in the world, he provides us all the tools to be in but not of the world... 

So my question to you all... 

Do you know where to look for the tools to guide you home?

We are so loved, The God head loves us, and I love each of the people in my life.. For the parts they play in my life to help me on my journey through the storms and sunshine, the random messages, the cuddles at church, the smiles at me or even the emojis they send to me, their checking in on me or even stopping to have a chat when I message out of the blue, listening and telling me about life and how its going, means the world to me, much more than anyone could know. 

Well thats it for this post, perhaps I'll post one soon, stay tuned

Love Sincerely,
The reformed but forever weird and nerdy

Miss Hermit
