
Hey guys! So here's a little get to know the blogger post, to start you off on the wild ride that is my brain and thought process :) 

So, you probably don't know me, but I go by the Name Lilly (Miss Hermit) πŸ˜… I'm a 90's baby, born in Australia with mix race parents and the only daughter in my family. My brother drives me crazy, but life without him isn't really life. 

My parents are in the Food Business, winning over stomachs and hearts one mouthful at a time, spreading happiness through food for almost 20 years. (Yep, I inherited that same passion for food)

So, Who am I? - I am grootπŸ‘€... hahaπŸ˜…, I wish! but I'm not that cool. haha 
I am a biracial bush kid, grown in the heart of Australia for the last 12 years of my life.

I love travelling, art, weird and whacky people, they make life interesting and fun ❤️πŸ’™.

I love to write, cook and pause the world for a nano second in the photographs I get to keep forever.

I LOVE the smell after a big rain, the sound of rain on a tin roof and the smell of freshly cut grass.

My family, my friends, my food & the gospel are my center they're my solid foundation.

I am LOUD and outspoken when you know me, quiet as a deadπŸ‘»mouse in unfamiliar territories around unfamiliar faces, both put together I'm like a monk who swore a vow of silence.. (haha true story) 

Music makes EVERYTHING better - I have such a broad and weird taste 🀷

Cranky when hungry😀, impossible when tiredπŸ˜©πŸ’€. Probably the furthest person from perfect to walk the face of this planet πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜πŸ˜“(maybe not a true story? I don't know😏)

I like snap backs and Flip Flops (Thongs for everyone else in Australia 😜)

I like big shirts and Men's clothes (especially for sleeping in😍)

I am a hard core Whovian (Tom Baker is My Doctor 100%) , Love my science and nature shows (David Attenborough is my hero, aside from DR. Harry from harry's practice he's the man I waited like 4 hours just to get his signature back in the day (True StoryπŸ˜…πŸ˜‚) 

Nerd from Head to toe, from birth till death (Thanks Dad 😍)

I love Korean & Chinese TV Drama shows, Manga & Anime - Studio Ghibli is my EVERYTHINGπŸ’πŸ˜‡πŸ˜
I love to play Console and PC games (Xbox for meeeeπŸ’ƒπŸ’₯)

I play games on my phone too, Pokemon GO, Harvest Moon, Minecraft & Tekken are my speed. 
I like gardening, guns, hunting & fishing πŸ’₯πŸ’’
Camping & Adventures are essential 😜😘

I love travelling! I plan to travel the world and tick off things on my bucket list! 

I've already been to America, Tonga, Thailand and pretty much everywhere in Australia except Tasmania.

I dance like nobody's watching and sing like everybody's deaf.
I Believe road trips accompanied by a variety of humans with music blaring and 0 cares, are necessity to a healthy body & healthy mind. Humans were never made to stay in the boxes society has created for them, I believe in the Motto, "Live life like there's no tomorrow and learn as if your life depends on it"

I thoroughly believe patient education and thoughtful action are they keys to a better future and better world. 

Anyway.... You get the point, I'm a whole fun bucket of weird & wonderful. 

So, fun aside, serious side note πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š, 
I have OCD, Anxiety, Depression & Autism
Notice how I said "I have" not I am? - because these "Imperfections" don't define me, no one person who shares these with me will be exactly the same, similarities? Perhaps, but no human (even identical twins) are ever EXACTLY the same.. 

I'm a late bloomer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I am EST. 2013 a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints. So yeah, I believe in God and that whole she-bang... 

Does that mean I want to shove all the information down your throat? No 

I'm not going to sit here and try to change you if you don't want to change or tell you you're going to hell because you don't believe in God. 

Does that mean we can't be friends because you don't believe what I believe? No

Do I hate the LGBT community? Nope. I'll Love you from whatever background you come as long as we both have an understanding of respect and LOVE πŸ’–

Am I perfect or better than anyone else I know? Not even close, and thats okay we are all meant to shine in our own ways, so as long as you're happy and respectful of me, my beliefs and my boundaries we will be cool :) what ever floats your boat man, i'm not here to judge.. everyone deserves happiness in my opinion. 

So, lets get down to the grits and grimey shall we? πŸ’¬πŸ˜‰
My Blog is going to be filled with my thoughts, life stories, life lessons/experiences, stories about love & heart break, pondering and probably stuff about God.
I don't mind if people read it, its more of a release of the pressure from the whirlwind that sometimes take hold of my mental lounge 😝 

I guess if you're entertained by this then thats a bonus, but mostly this is for personal preservation, Kind of like a journal πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜†

Anyways, keep rockin' life
Love always, the reformed but forever weird and nerdy

Miss Hermit
